
Please be aware that all students* are expected to register every year, regardless of their riding status for the prior year. 
*West Valley Early Learning Center, HEART/McKinney-Vento, and Special Education riders are not required to register their student(s) to ride the bus through the REGISTER TO RIDE link above. Please contact your school for more information. 

School bus transportation is offered to all students based on attendance area; however, riding the bus is a privilege and students are expected to follow all bus rules, policies, and procedures (see Bus Rules & Safety Tips and/or find a printable version of the Student Handbook in Resources & Forms).


Students should arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time and are expected to ride the bus to and from their assigned bus stop.


By working together, we can provide school transportation that is safe and enjoyable for staff and students! 

If the answer to your question is not found in one of the tabs on the right, please email the Transportation department at [email protected].
West Valley School District #363
Transportation Department
7205 E Mission Ave
Spokane Valley WA 99212
Phone (509) 922-5467, option 1
Fax (509) 922-5484 
Thank you for visiting the WVSD Transportation page!